June is there already!

Days are longer, the weather is better, the fog isn’t really in yet. This is a great time of the year in the Bay Area! Yet this is the time of the year where we often sort of put aside our goals. Memorial Day started the BBQ season, the kids are home, it’s summer and we want to party, vacations and/or visitors make a break in our routine and next thing we know, it’s September and all bets are off. Then we start thinking about the holidays knowing that we’re running behind. Oh no! Not us! Not this year!

Yet, I’m not exactly running ahead. Little confession here: May sort of went crazy there for a bit: go there, come here, get busy, oh look! It’s June! In the craziness, I kind of lost my focus a little bit. The result was quite predictable: last week a weigh in that showed a middle number that I did not want to see. I tried to blame it on all sorts of things: hormones, stress, my husband (sorry baby!), the 2 beer I drank the previous night at a concert… I did try,  but you know what? I know better. Don’t we all?

So this last week I have been hyper-focused. Every meal planned out, junk greatly limited and I worked out like a fiend. Again predictable result: I lost 3.4 lbs! Yay me right? Well yeah, but I can’t live like this forever. It’s not like I haven’t tried, I have, but I know that being overly strict doesn’t work for me long term. I also know that at 30-a-lot years old, I will not maintain this level of activity. I have also seen countless people give this a try without much long term success. Here’s the good news: It’s not required!

I need to be active everyday, meaning I need to move at least 30 minutes, at moderate intensity every day of the week. I can do that. I need to include resistance training at least twice a week. I can do that. I need to eat healthy foods; fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and have those as my main staples. I can do that. I need to make sure that a treat is a treat. If I have something too many times, it’s not a treat anymore, it’s a main staple of my diet! I can do that.

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The first step to take here is to plan ahead. Looking at your week, where are the trouble spots? Where can you fit a work out? A walk? When will you go food shopping? You don’t have to plan to the minute if it’s not your thing, but mapping it out keep you from having to worry about it all the time. No need to wonder when you’ll have time to go food shopping it’s there: Tuesday at lunch. Problem solved! Once you have a good general idea of what your week will be like, you can get down to the specifics… one at a time!

For June I’ve decided to single out a challenge for every day. Every night I will post on Twitter and on Facebook (my accounts are linked) my challenge for the following day (or in the morning if I forget!). I have done that before, and it has helped me focus on one thing and not worry about everything. I look at my plan for the following day, my work load, and then I pinpoint the one thing that is more likely to make this day go wrong if I don’t address it. It starts me thinking in the right direction without getting overwhelmed.

If like me you tend to be an “all or nothing” kind of person, why don’t you join me in this? Post them here, or on the social networks. Lets get into this summer in strength and in health. Come September, we will be lean and healthy, ready to tackle the rest of the year. How about that? Are you in? I am for sure!

Have a great month of June! Enjoy the light, the weather, and get outside before the fog smothers us. 😮

2 thoughts on “June is there already!

  1. Mel, you don’t even know how much you keep me motivated!! Thanks you mucho.

    Your Bayhill student

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